FYI: Updates & Newest are tips at the bottom.
Here are some quick tips & tricks to help you navigate. As always, any feedback can be sent to [email protected] .
First - not really a tip or a trick, but please Please PLEASE, add an ICE CONTACT to your profile. If you do this now, you won't have to do it when you sign in for a future ride (when we're all trying to get on the road!). Also, while you're in your profile, how about updating your picture? Now onto the tips & tricks...
How would you like to see the Chapter Calendar Events on your phone calendar? By following these steps, you can "subscribe" to the chapter calendar and chapter events will land on your iPhone or Android.
NOTE: Calendar subscriptions are only sync'ed a few times a day, so you may have to wait before you see calendar entries show up.
On your iPhone, use your browser to surf over to and click on the Subscribe button. This will open up the calenar app on your iPhone where you can subscribe to the calendar.
Special Thanks to The Raleigh Hog Chapter for these instructions complete with screen shots and good content. Since I'm not an Android user, I'm looking for feedback on this procedure. Please let me know.
Many other calendar clients, like Google, allow you to subscribe to a calendar via an URL. One way to do this on Google Calendar is to click the + next to Other Calendars, then select "From URL". At that point you can enter the ENTIRE URL of our Calendar feed: webcal:// . Easy ! This should also work for other desktop calendars such as well.
That's right - We can text you with last minute updates to rides, weather delays or what ever else is urgent enough for you to know NOW. All you have to do is go to your profile and make sure (1) you have a cell number listed as your contact phone number and (2) "Send me SMS messages" checked (hint: It's right under your phone number!) Text messages will come from the phone number (601) 878-4148, so why not put that in your phone's contact list right now (go ahead, I'll wait). Give it a name like HOG TEXT and add a picture of your bike as the contact photo. That way, when your phone lights up and your bike is calling, you know it's something chapter related.
1/25/24 Update
Are the slides transitioning too fast to read on the website? You have a few tricks you can use if I'm moving the slides too quick. First, if you move your mouse OUT and then BACK INTO the slider area, that will pause the slides. Also you will notice back & forward arrows on the far left and right if you need. Finally, there are also dots at the bottom you can use to navigate.
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